

Director General of SFE “Forests of Ukraine”


Education: Graduated from the National Agrarian University in 2005 with a degree in Forestry and a qualification as a Forestry Engineer.


Work Experience:
– November 2004 – January 2006: Leading specialist-State inspector of the Sector for control over the protection, use and restoration of forests, State Administration of Ecology and Natural Resources, Kyiv region, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
– January 2006 – September 2006: Leading specialist-State inspector of the Department for the protection, use, restoration of forests, wildlife and Nature reserve area, State Department of Ecology and Natural Resources, Kyiv Region, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine.
– July 2007 – May 2011: Forestry Engineer, Forester at the Subsidiary Enterprise Ichniarayagroforestry.
– May 2011 – June 2012: Director of the State Enterprise “Pryluky Forestry”, Chernihiv Regional Forestry and Hunting Administration.
– June 2012 – June 2020: Director of the State Enterprise “Nizhyn Forestry”, Chernihiv Regional Forestry and Hunting Administration.
– June 2020 – July 2020: Head of the Chernihiv Regional Forestry and Hunting Administration.
– July 2020 – February 2021: Deputy Head of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine.
– February 2021 – May 2023: Head of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine.
– From May 4, 2023: Acting Director General of SFE “Forests of Ukraine”.
– From October 6, 2023: Director General of SFE “Forests of Ukraine”.






Executive Director of SFE “Forests of Ukraine”


Education: Graduated from Ukrainian State Forestry University in 1999 with a degree in Forestry and a qualification as a Forestry Engineer.


Doctor of Economics, 2010, specializing in the economics of natural resource management and environmental protection. Dissertation topic: “Territorial organization of the forest complex of Ukraine in the context of the transformation of productive forces”.
Civil service experience: 16 years.


Work experience:
– December 2000 – November 2010: worked at the Council for the Study of Productive Forces of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
– January 2011 – November 2020: worked at the State Institution “Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”.
– December 2020 – September 2021: Head of the Forestry Analytics Department of the State Enterprise “Forestry Innovation and Analytical Center”.
– October 2021 – September 2022: Head of the Department of Strategy and Economic Development of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine.
– October 2022 – May 2023: Acting Director General of SFE “Forests of Ukraine”.
– May 4, 2023 – Executive Director of SFE “Forests of Ukraine”.